
As part of her artistic practice, Tolu facilitates workshops with artists and members of the public wanting to explore movement in their own practice or daily lives. By focusing on creating a space of openness and play to encourage trust and vulnerability, she uses movement as a guide for non verbal communication between those who may not usually consider their bodies as a means for expression.

show me how you care

Organised and facilitated by Tolu Oshodi for Open School East’s 2022 Public Programme, lead by O.K Norris, hosted at Margate Arts Club


Centred on the collective experience of bringing bodies together, this workshop explored the idea of care and stewardship and how it can be embodied through physicality and touch, especially within the queer community. Living through an extended period of isolation where close contact had been restricted, we recognise the urgency of physically coming together.

Using dance and movement-based exercises, we invite participants to explore the joy, vulnerability and perhaps even apprehension of using our bodies as a tool for connecting with each other while acting as stewards in creating a safer, consensual space of openness and curiosity for each of us to play and discover.

O.K Norris (AKA Wet Mess) is a dance and visual artist who works across live art, drag, movement, film, and theatre. Their practice explores how society reads our bodies and how that extends to our embodiment. They are interested in disrupting normative ways of existing & thinking, in gender fluidity, rage, vulnerability, queer joy, and turning the lens on whiteness.

Ballroom Workshop - Sex Siren

Ballroom Workshop - Sex Siren

Tolu has been a member of the UK Ballroom Community since 2017, where she is affectionately known as Honey Revlon, a prominent figure for walking the cater gory ‘Sex Siren’. Through walking this category over the years she has learned to embrace it as a strong tool for reclaiming sexual power and agency.

She has developed a workshop to help others explore the concept of sensuality and critically engage in how sexual politics affect different people intersectionally.

In her workshops you are led through a series of playful exercises to use as tools to boost self confidence, discover your sexual agency and personal power. In addition to leaving with a better understanding of why ballroom often is an extension of lived experience for Queer people of colour.

Previous workshops include

  • The Place London, LCDS Enrichment Week - 10th January 2024

  • Tate Modern, A World In Common (activation) - November 2023

  • Jupiter Rising Festival - August 2023

  • South East Dance Brighton, Radical Rhizomes - February 2023

  • The Place London, LCDS Enrichment Week - 13th January 2023

  • Margate Pride - 19th August 2022

